Launching PBS's Independent Lens series, Wordplay has its broadcast television premiere tomorrow night. If you missed seeing it in the cinema and haven't gotten around to renting (or buying) the DVD, here's your couch-potato opportunity to see the movie.
If you're one of those people who eschews the TV habit but has a TV set, I'm sure you can make an exception for a highly entertaining documentary film about crosswords.
Check your local listings for the time and, if you're really on the ball, set your VCR, TiVo, or DVR to record the movie.
If you've enjoyed Where's Waldo and you like drinking games, take a drink every time you spot a woman in a lime green top. If you see her curtsy, take two drinks. If you are incredibly observant and do not blink for 90 minutes, you are likely to drink at least four times and get a glimpse of what your faithful bloggerly correspondent looks like.