Sun untimed (whoops)—If you haven't subscribed to the Sun puzzle yet, head to to subscribe because otherwise you're going to miss out on the Tuesday puzzle, and I daresay it's one of my favorite puzzles of 2008. So what are you waiting for?
Jonesin' 3:43
LAT 3:35
CS 3:16
NYT 3:05
(updated at 9 a.m. Tuesday)
What I said up there about ponying up the $12.50 for the Sun crossword—I'm serious. Do it. The puzzles are always good, and occasionally transcendent.The Election Day New York Times crossword was constructed by an all-star duo of Peter Collins and Joe Krozel. The three longest answers have a timely theme to them:
Peter, Joe, and editor Will Shortz have worked a bunch of political/presidential bits into the fill throughout this puzzle, too. There's ACROSS [the aisle (bipartisanly)]. William Howard Taft was FAT, the heaviest U.S. president. ABES are President Lincoln et al. Teri POLO and Rob LOWE both acted on The West Wing, a White House–set TV drama. The VICTOR is the [Inaugural ball holder]. VACATES means [Leaves early, as an office]. AGE is clued with [35 is the minimum one to be U.S. president]. ODDEST, or [Most likely to raise eyebrows], refers to current candidate...never mind. TELSTAR was a President [Kennedy-era launch]. There's the [President pro] TEM of the Senate. "DON'T Stop" by Fleetwood Mac was the [Bill Clinton theme song)], and the MCVIES were half of Fleetwood Mac. (Edited to add: KarmaSartre e-mailed me to point out that they were two fifths of the group, not half. Can't I round up?) And a BOO is a [Bad sound at a campaign rally]. My favorite non-theme clue is [Baby buggy?] for LARVA, and I liked having 16 7-letter answers in the fill here.So, once again I failed to notice that the Across Lite timer was turned off when I started Kevin Wald's Sun puzzle, "Numerological Prediction." Now, when I solve a crossword in Across Lite, I'm a little surprised when Mr. Happy Pencil doesn't present himself. I figure I must've had a typo, so I use the "Check all letters" function to find the problem square. I wasn't expecting Across Lite to tell me I had eight squares wrong! Turns out this is an update of Jeremiah Farrell's legendary 1996 CLINTON/BOBDOLE gimmick. This time, the key answer is clued [What you will see on the news on Election Day]. {Somebody} IS IN. Who? Well, if you spell out OBAMA IS IN, then you will also fill in FOUR at 38-Across, the [Number of squares in this puzzle that contain a word meaning "elected"] because there are four [IN] rebus squares in the grid. If you opt for MCCAI[IN] IS IN, you've added another rebus square, so 38-Across is FIVE. There are the Down crossings for the affected areas:
Three of the crossings for 38-Across, FOUR or FIVE, can vary:
The two longest Across answers and two other short Across answers all contain a rebus square holding the letters IN, and those clues are politically oriented. There's some cool fill too, but between the time change and a long day, I am nodding off here. Feel free to single out for attention whatever you noticed in this (or other) crosswordsl
I'm short on time this morning (and I voted two weeks ago, so it's not that), so shorter blogging today.Martin Ashwood-Smith's CrosSynergy puzzle also has an election theme. The theme entries in "Decisions, Decisions" are:
The constructor duped me with the 8-letter [Cadillac model] starting with E. ESCALADE, right? Nope, it's EL DORADO. Cool grid with those four wide-open corners.Don Gagliardo's LA Times crossword doesn't go topical today. Instead, we get a vowel-progression theme:
Some interesting words in the fill: IPOD CASE, SIGNS OFF ON, the BLOB/BLAH crossing, TWO-BIT, and my personal favorite, TUG OF WAR clued as a ["Battle of the Network Stars" contest]. I loved that show! The current show Wipeout should do a celebrity episode to recapture the Battle of the Network Stars magic.Matt Jones's Jonesin' crossword is called "'Tis the Seaon," and it's not election season or holiday season he has in mind but rather, flu season. Each theme entry's a phrase with a FLU infecting it. There's a 15-letter theme entry across the middle, and the other two pairs of theme entries are partly stacked together.
Favorite clues: [It really gets boring] refers to an AUGER. [Dog show partner?] is PONY, as in "dog and pony show" (though maybe someone should clue DOG as [Pony show partner?] instead). Favorite fill answers: MAGIC WAND and OFF THE MAP.
November 03, 2008
Tuesday, 11/4
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: Don Gagliardo, Joe Krozel, Kevin Wald, Martin Ashwood-Smith, Matt Jones, Peter A. Collins