Hey! The Wordplay page at IMDb now has an expanded "credited cast" listing with 44 people, all playing the part of "Himself" or "Herself" in the finest documentary fashion:
Judie Berger
Leslie Billig
Dr. Selmer Bringsjord
Katherine Bryant
Ken Burns
Bill Clinton
Neal Conan
Stella Daily
Jon Delfin
Joy Dewing
Bob Dole
Brian Dominy
Nancy Ellwood
Nancy Ellwood Fasulo
Vic Fleming
Liane Hansen
Doug Heller
Tyler Hinman
Jim Jenista
Patrick Jordan
Dan Katz
Kiran Kedlaya
Lloyd Mazer
Norma Mindell
Eileen Mogan
Mike Mussina
Stanley Newman
Daniel Okrent
Norman (Trip) Payne
Fred Piscop
Miriam Raphael
Amy Ray
Merl Reagle
Amy Reynaldo
Alex Ripitsky
Ellen Ripstein
Marc Romano
Mel Rosen
Emily Saliers
Al Sanders
Will Shortz
Jon Stewart
Ben Tausig
Byron Walden
Hello, everyone! (That includes you, Jon Stewart. You should absolutely come to the crossword tournament next March to meet your costars.)
June 06, 2006
Famous people!
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5:03 PM