Anyone know if the quip in Paul Guttormsson's NYT puzzle is original or recycled? I don't recognize it. Anyway, it's a nice puzzle, highlighted by fill like EYE CANDY, LOW RISE, and LAST WORDS.
Ben Tausig's Village Voice puzzle has Yom Kippur theme entries crossed with a bunch of good 8's, such as TOO OFTEN with its triple-O, DEBONAIR, and EGGPLANT. There's a clever clue in "hot body" for SUN, and a naughty clue in "it may keep you up at night" for VIAGRA.
Today's LAT by Joy Andrews includes a papal fashion term I hadn't heard before: a TIPPET is the Pope's silk scarf. The square with TIPPET's final T crossing TENS with a vague bowling-pin clue was one of those deadly squares where I started plugging in random letters. TIPPET, you will not beat me again!
Thomas Schier's CrosSynergy is a tribute to the late Justice Rehnquist. Just a hunch, but I don't think anyone will ever build a crossword puzzle around Harriet Miers.
Wed NYT 3:56
Wed NYS 5:15 (ouch)
Tues NYS 3:14 (nice job, Dave Sullivan!)
Mon NYS 2:59
Wed LAT 4:08
Tues LAT 3:24
Wed CS 3:03
Tues CS 3:10
Tausig 5:06
October 11, 2005
Still playing catch-up
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9:08 PM